Forest School
Carousel Nursery has a fully trained Forest School leader who takes responsibility for overseeing not only the weekly visits to our local woodland but also the integration of Forest school within the everyday ethos of the nursery. We have a dedicated area set aside within the nursery which supports the ongoing forest school curriculum.
Forest school is the long-term process of frequent weekly visits to a natural area. Our children visit the woodland 3 to 4 times a week. All visits are risk assessed and supported by a trained leader. Forest school fosters a holistic approach to learning that we endeavour to continue throughout the children’s learning when back in the nursery.
Whilst at forest school the children undertake a variety of activities that foster the co -operation, resilience, confidence, imagination and team work.
They build dens, learn about the natural environment, learn to use real tools safely, mark make in mud and clay, weave with natural objects; play games in the woodland; design and problem solve; as well as learning to assess their individual risk taking.